Sporty Touch

Monday, February 05, 2007

Final tickets on

Monday, 5 February 2007

Tickets have gone on sale today for the 2007 UEFA Champions League final, to be played at the Olympic Stadium in Athens on 23 May.

Ballot needed
With 9,000 seats available exclusively to the general public via, applicants will be able to apply for up to two tickets until the 12.00CET deadline on 19 February. The allocation of tickets will be decided by lottery and every valid application will enter the ballot, regardless of the time of submission.

Finalists favoured
The Olympic Stadium's capacity will be 63,800 for the showpiece. More than 50 per cent of the seats will be reserved for the supporters of the two finalists; with each club able to take up to 17,000 tickets and distribute these directly to its supporters. The remaining tickets will be allocated to the European football family, comprising UEFA, the local organising committee, national associations, commercial partners and broadcasters.

There are three price categories for the general public:
Category 1 - €200
Category 2 - €140
Category 3 - €80

The following administration charges (including postal charges) will apply per ticket order:
€10 – per ticket order within Greece
€20 – per ticket order within Europe
€40 – per ticket order outside Europe

Payment is by credit card only, and applicants will be informed by email from 10 March if they have been successful in the lottery. Tickets will be dispatched from the beginning of May by secure express courier.

Any requests for information should be addressed to the local organising committee:
• by email:
• by phone: +30 210 81 08 007
• by fax: +30 210 96 70 642

All applicants are bound by the ticketing terms and conditions. Action will be taken in cases of infringement. Online applications will be checked to ensure that anyone banned from attending football matches is unsuccessful in any attempt to purchase tickets. UEFA underlines that no tickets are being distributed via agencies or brokers. UEFA also encourages fans not to be lured into deals with touts who not only demand exorbitant prices but are often not in possession of the tickets they purport to have for sale. Terms and Conditions are available on

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